As many children always have, I have been pondering as to wether or not aliens from a different planet actually exist. Now before I get into my arguement I would like to give you the pretext of my spiritual beliefs. I am not an athiest, nor an anarchist, and I do not believe in any magic. I am a faithful Christian, but I also believe in natural selection and evolution, though I also recognize that humans have overcome the "normal" historical patterns of natural selection. Also you might be wondering, yes I do believe that Christianity and natural selection can flow together harmoniously. I understand that there are many more religious beliefs than just Christianity, but this is just what I am most educated on, and where I expect most of my opposition to come from. I establish these principals of my beliefs as pretext because they will help bring about my logical approch to an explanation as to why I am convinced there are many forms of species outside of our domestic planet, earth. Everything I am about to explain is based on sceintifical work (the actual processes of this are beyond my understanding, but the concepts are reletively easy to comprehend.)
Now I don't plan on explaining the mysteries of crop circles or questionable UFO sightings. These are all to squimish of subjects to analyze just based on the fact that there is no hard evidence, only those that want to believe what they didn't really see.
The aliens I would like to discuss are most likely light years away. They probably don't even know we exist. I have no idea what they look like, sound like, or smell like. But, I do know that they exist.
A majority of today's leading scientists are coming to agree on the theory that "space" is constantly expanding at a furious rate. Assuming that nature continues on at the same relative balance, this means that, it will go on infinitly. With this knowledge, it is a mathematically supported fact that somewhere, sometime, there will be atleast a galaxy just like our milky way, with a planet just like our earth, that will be inhabitable and flourish with the growth of many types of mammals as well as cold-blooded animals. Also I do not want to limit this concept to mammals and reptiles only. There may be species upon this distant planet that would dwarf some of our greatest landmarks here on earth. On the other hand, these organisms may be microscopic...but that does not mean that they cannot be more intelligent than ourselves.
Mathematically, there should be a race just like us, that contains exact "copies" of us. But, I would rather not get into that prospect right now, as it brings up many other questions that would include the wonder of a "parallel universe" and the many complications that would come with it, mainly religious.
With this "infinite space" in mind, I find it hard to deny that there is no form of life outside of our blue marbel and it's atmosphere. I hope that you can see my arguement for what it is and not let your religious beliefs or any other concepts you may hold, blind you from what I believe to be true.
It is fun to speculate, isn't it? How can we definitively say what is and what isn't possible?
Posted by: Kathryn Gerth | 01/08/2010 at 06:49 PM